Gyventojų ir paslaugų gavėjų įtraukimo į ilgalaikės socialinės globos paslaugų suaugusiems asmenims su negalia ir senyvo amžiaus asmenims teikimo procesą Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje galimybių analizė
Grumbinas, Valentinas |
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-157
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota bendrakūra, jos įgalinimo veiksniai ir priežastys skatinančios/ribojančios bendrakūrą ilgalaikės socialinės globos paslaugų teikime. Bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip suaktyvinti bendrakūros procesus. Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai bendrakūros aspektai viešosiose, socialinėse paslaugose, atskleidžiama bendrakūros samprata, įgalinimo veiksniai ir priemonės, socialinių paslaugų samprata ir teikimo sistema, bendrakūros taikymo socialinėse paslaugose užsienio šalyse ir Lietuvoje patirtis. Antroje dalyje aprašomas atliktas tyrimas Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje ir jos teritorijoje esančiose socialinės globos įstaigose, analizuojami tyrimo rezultatai, nagrinėjamos bendrakūros rūšys, vertinamos esamos sąlygos vykti bendrakūros procesams.
The services of public sector must be provided at the lowest cost however these services should meet criteria of availability, quality and be in line with expectations of citizens. Limited financial resources of the state (municipality) are the major problem in providing these services. Public administration attempts to solve this problem through service co-production. As practices of citizens and service users’ involvement applied in other countries can be rarely used effectively, appropriate solutions for Lithuanian environment need to be found. This issue shows the relevance of the topic: whether citizens and service users in Vilnius City Municipality (VCM) have any opportunities to participate in the process of providing long-term social care services and what factors promote/discourage the co-production. Problem of this paper - what actions are taken by VCM and social services institutions in order to involve citizens and beneficiaries of services into the processes of providing long-term social care services, what factors hinder or enhance this involvement. The goal of this work is to investigate possibilities of population and service beneficiaries to participate in delivery of long-term social care services in VCM. The tasks of the work are as follows: 1) to carry out theoretical analysis of population and beneficiaries involvement into processes of providing public services; 2) to analyze foreign and Lithuanian municipalities know-how of involving population and service users into co-production processes; 3) to analyze and evaluate the process of delivering long-term social care services and its legal regulation at VCM: 4) to determine current conditions, measures and actions for involvement of citizens and service users in provision of long-term social care services. During the research there were performed an analysis of scientific literature and regulatory laws on social services providing both Lithuanian and foreign countries. Methods of individual in-depth targeted interviews and document texts (i.e. VCM legislation on long-term social care services and internal documentation of social institutions) were used in the empirical research. The data obtained during the study identified the types of co-production according to the 3x4 typology. The results of the study partially supported the findings of the KAMPA participatory action research project study. The study found that citizens and service beneficiaries have many opportunities to participate in long-term social care delivery processes; co-production is enhanced by constant communication, assistance in meeting the needs of service users, material and non-material encouragement, attitudes and training. Co-production provides financial benefits to institutions (and the community). The work consists of two chapters: the first provides theoretical aspects of co-production in public and social services, reveals conception, factors and empowerment tools of co-production, conception and delivery system of social services, experience of applying co-production in social services in foreign countries and Lithuania; the second describes the research conducted and analyzes the research results.