Regos negalią turinčių asmenų įtraukties į visuomenę galimybės Lietuvoje viešojo administravimo požiūriu
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Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-681
This Thesis focuses on possibilities of inclusion of visually impaired persons in society in Lithuania from the point of view of public administration. Nowadays, there is more and more talk about the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Favorable laws and regulations are being developed, various social actions and inclusion projects are being organized. The most discussed are the inclusive education of children with disabilities and the employment of adults with disabilities in the open labor market. But behind the favorable documents lies a less beautiful reality. Most children with disabilities are not admitted to mainstream schools and many adults with disabilities do not find work because there are still various stereotypes in society about different disabilities and people with disabilities. “On the one hand, the influence of modern integration ideologies coming from the West is leading to increasing public attention and tolerance for people with disabilities. On the other hand, both in society and among politicians and professionals, there is a growing manifestation of discriminatory treatment and treatment of people with disabilities. ” (Ruškus, 2002). At present, we can find many different Thesis written by different authors on the inclusion of people with disabilities in one or more aspects of society, but there is no research that examines the various ways in which people with visual impairments can find employment. In this thesis the ways of inclusion of visually impaired people in society were examined. Particular attention has been paid to the issues of inclusive education and employment in the open labor market for the visually impaired. Not only is it important for people with visual impairments to have the support they need and to live in accessible environment, but it is also important to feel good about society. to enable people with visual impairments to participate in public life. The aim of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of visually impaired people to participate in society. As a result, the following tasks have been completed: 1 review the historical aspects of the integration of visually impaired people into society; 2 conclusions of other authors thesis on similar topics are analyzed; 3 the attitude of social workers towards the visually impaired was established, and it was clarified what help the visually impaired people most often ask for; 4 the laws related to the inclusive education and employment of persons with disabilities in the open labor market were analyzed and their effectiveness was compared; 5 examined public administration measures to help the blind engage or return to society after vision loss. 6 how visually impaired people feel in Lithuanian society was studied; 7 comparative research results and presented conclusions; The tasks of this thesis were performed using various research methods. The first task was performed using the method of historical data analysis. The attitude of the society towards the disabled has been different in different periods of history, so in order to understand why it is still often difficult for the disabled to integrate into the society, it was necessary to review the situation of the blind in different historical epochs.