Bausmių, nesusijusių su laisvės atėmimu, vykdymo ypatumai
Sadauskienė, Irena |
Dermontas, Julius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Usik, Dmitrij | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Uscila, Rokas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Sakalauskas, Gintautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Stalioraitis, Pranas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Usik, Dmitrij | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
International organizations, worried about overcrowding of prisons, induce member states to administer alternative custodial penalties. Seimas of the republic of Lithuania approved new code of criminal la on September 26, 2006, to change the previous one which had been approved in Soviet years. More penalties, unrelated with custody, are assigned in the new Code of Criminal law. They are: 1) forfeiture of public entitlement; 2) forfeiture of performing some kind of work or being engaged in some activity; 3) public work; 4) fine; 5 ) confinement of freedom. The new Code of Criminal La came into effect in May 2003. The judgment, which is not related with imprisonment, except fine, is prosecuted by the territorial correctional inspections under the control of the Prison department of Lithuania, while in foreign countries this is done by approbation services. One of the new criminal sentences, which is fixed by 42nd punitive article of the Criminal Code of Lithuania, is restriction of liberty. It is submitted to a person who committed offence or fault. The essence of this penalty is to administer some determinate obligations to a convicted person. Hopefully, that the restriction of liberty will become economical and effective deterrent to those who have committed offence or minor crime. The content of restriction of liberty means that convicted people mustn’t change the place of living without the permission of law court, they must prosecute liabilities and stick to prohibitions fixed by the court, besides they must account for discharge of restraints and obligations. The regulation of liberty restriction in the Criminal Code of Lithuania and the problems officials confront while performing this sentence, are overlooked in this essay. The main concepts used in the essay: Borstal inspection – institution administering supervision of convicted people on the outside. Probation – the form to enforce a judgement as the alternative to conditional sentence which includes the supervision of convicted people, the control of their behaviour and their social assistance. Probation Office – a state, not under prison control institution, which got its name from probation, the alternative kind of sentence popular abroad. Penalties, not related with imprisonment – which are provided by the Criminal Code of Lithuania: 1) Forfeiture of public rights; 2) Forfeiture of the right to do some kind of work or job; 3) Public work; 4) Fine; 5) Restriction of freedom.