Lenkų tautinės mažumos Lietuvoje kultūrinė ir politinė integracija į Lietuvos visuomenę
Kazlauskienė, Birutė |
Bielskis, Andrius | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Eidintas, Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Paulikas, Vygandas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Aleknonis, Gintaras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Janušauskienė, Diana | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Motieka, Egidijus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Visu pilieciu tarpusavio bendradarbiavimas, pasitikejimas ir integravimasis yra reiksmingi, norint uztikrinti tautiniu santykiu darna, sauguma salyje bei kuriant pilietine visuomene. Tokius tikslus issikelia Lietuvos valstybe, igyvendindama tautiniu mažumu politika. Taciau pastaraisiais metais dalies didziausios Lietuvoje gyvenancios lenku tautines mazumos atstovu netenkina jų dabartines kulturines ir politines integracijos galimybes. Todėl reiktu ivertinti ju teises bei galimybes dalyvauti salies visuomeniniame, kulturiniame, politiniame gyvenime. Taip pat verta pazvelgti i Lietuvos lenkų adaptacijos procesus, remiantis moksline teorija. Temos naujuma salygoja sie du aspektai: atlikta issami lenku tautines mazumos kulturines ir politines padeties analize bei empirinis tyrimas, paremtas J. W. Berry‘io tarpkulturinių strategiju modeliu. Baigiamajame magistro darbe iskelta moksline problema – Lietuvos valstybes vykdoma integracine tautiniu mazumu politika neatitinka Lietuvos lenku politiku ir dalies lenku tautines mazumos atstovu lukesciu. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos lenku tautine mazuma; dalykas - Lietuvos lenku tautines mazumos teises ir galimybes dalyvauti politiniuose bei kulturiniuose salies integraciniuose procesuose. Siekiant isanalizuoti ir ivertinti, kokia politika Lietuvos valstybe vykdo lenku tautines mazumos atzvilgiu (darbo tikslas) darbe igyvendinti sie uzdaviniai: 1) aptartos pagrindines adaptacijos strategijos: asimiliacija, integracija, marginalizacija, separacija, 2) apzvelgti lenku tautines mazumos politiniai ir kulturiniai integracijos i Lietuvos visuomene aspektai, 3) isanalizuota ir ivertinta, kokias adaptacijos strategijas renkasi lenkų tautinei mazumai priklausantys asmenys, issiaiskintas ju tapatybes santykis su Lietuvos valstybe, ivardintos lenku tautines mazumos nuostatos del Lietuvoje igyvendinamos tautiniu mazumu politikos ir pateiktos rekomendacijos, kas turi buti daroma, siekiant gerinti tautiniu mazumu padeti Lietuvoje. Baigiamajame darbe panaudoti ivairus tyrimo metodai: analitinis, dokumentu ir duomenų analizes, dedukcijos ir indukcijos, lyginamasis, apibendrinimo bei anketos apklausos. Is lenku tautines mazumos padeties analizes matyti, jog sios tautines mazumos atstovai sekmingai naudojasi dauguma jiems suteiktu politiniu, kulturiniu teisiu ir galimybiu. Atliktas tyrimas parode, jog integracija – vyraujanti adaptacijos strategija, nes jai labiausiai linke pritarti tiriamieji. Paneigta pirma hipoteze, jog nepakankamai efektyviai vykdoma Lietuvos valstybes tautiniu mazumu politika lenku tautines mazumos atzvilgiu, uztikrinant ju kulturine ir politine integracija, sudaro prielaidas ja traktuoti kaip asimiliacine. Taciau lenku tautines mazumos kulturinė ir politine integracija islieka socialiniu issukiu Lietuvos valstybei. Tyrimas irodė, kad dalies tiriamuju netenkina vykdoma tautine mazumu politika (daugiausia tokius atsakymus rinkosi separacija linkę teigiamai vertinti tiriamieji). Taip is dalies patvirtinta antra hipoteze: kuo stiprės daugelio lenku bendruomenes nepasitenkinimas Lietuvos vykdoma tautiniu mazumu politika, tuo dides ju atsiribojimas ir uzsisklendimas savo grupes viduje. Pirmoje magistro baigiamojo darbo dalyje aptariama teorine pagrindiniu adaptacijos procesu - integracijos, asimiliacijos, marginalizacijos, separacijos analize. Antroje dalyje pristatoma lenku tautines mazumos padeties analize. Trecioje dalyje pateikiami lenku tautines mazumos anketos apklausos rezultatai, kuriais ivertinama ju adaptacijos strategiju pasirinkimo tendencijos, poziuris i galimybes dalyvauti visuomeniniame, kulturiniame, politiniame gyvenime, valstybes vykdoma tautiniu mazumu politika.
Mutual cooperation, trust and integration of all citizens play a vital role in ensuring harmonious national relations in the state and establishinga civilized and safe civic society. These are the key prerequisites that the Lithuanian state is seeking forimplementing the state national minority policy. However, in recent years, a part of the Lithuanian Poles - the biggest national minority in Lithuania – have not been fully satisfied with their prospects to freely execute political and cultural rights in our country. Therefore, it is instrumental to examine and evaluate the possibilities and rights of Polish national minority representatives to take part in public, cultural and political life inLithuania. In addition, it is of utmost importance to have a deeper insight into the process of adaptation of Lithuanian Poles, based on scientific theory. The novelty of the topic is manifested itself in two aspects: first, through a detail situation analysis, overviewing cultural and political integration of Lithuanian Poles, and second, through the empirical analysis, conducted on the basis of W.J. Berry‘s cultural strategies' model. The scientific problem is as follows– the Lithuanian state national minority policy does not comply with the expectations of some part of the Polish national minority representatives. The object of the research – the Polish national minority in Lithuania; the subject – the rights and possibilities of Polish national minority to take part in cultural and political processes in Lithuania.The aim of the research was to analyze and evaluate what kind of policy the government of the Republic of Lithuania does implement with due regard to the Polish national minority residing in Lithuania. This aim was implemented through the following objectives: 1) a thorough overview of the principal adaptation strategies: assimilation, integration, marginalization and separation; 2) the presentation of the rights and possibilities of Polish national minority to take part in cultural and political processes in Lithuania; 3) the analysis and evaluation of the tendencies of the targeted group to choose a specific adaptation strategy, their identification with the Lithuanian state, as well as their attitude concerning the implementation of the state national minority policy and finally, the respondents‘ recommendations what steps should be made to improve the current situation of national minorities in Lithuania. The following methods were applied in the research: abstract, analytical, document and data analysis, deduction and induction, comparative, conclusion and questionnaire survey. The results of the situation analysis illustrated that Lithuanian Poles successfully exploit in practice cultural and political rights and possibilities ensured by the Lithuanian state. The results of the research showed that the dominating adaptation pattern of the Polish national minority in Lithuania was found to be that of integration, as the majority of the respondents were likely to accept this strategy. The first hypothesis was denied, which entailed that an uniffective enough current national minority policy with due regard to Polish national minority gives the ground to be treated as assimilative one. Nevertheless, political and cultural integration of the Polish national minority representatives still remains a challenge to the Lithuanian government. The empirical research showed that part of the respondents are not fully satisfied with the current Lithuanian national minority policy. Such answers were mostly indicated by the respondents voicing for separation strategy. This allows partly to confirm the second hypothesis,which says that the more Lithuanian Poles are dissatisfied with the national minority policy implemented by the Lithuanian state, the greater their isolation and withdrawal into national group will be. The first part of the Master‘s work presents theoretical aspects of four adaptation strategies: integration, marginalization, assimilation and separation. The second part analyses cultural and political integration of the targeted group. The third part presents the results of the empirical research, which enables one to evaluate the dominating adaptation pattern of the Polish national minorities in Lithuania, their attitude towards the implementation of the state national minority policy. Proposals are provided detalising what steps should be made to improve the national minority situation.