Absolventų, turinčių humanitarinį aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą, integracija į darbo rinką
Vitėnienė, Jorūnė |
Gruževskis, Boguslavas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Sudnickas, Tadas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Stankūnienė, Vladislava | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Baležentis, Alvydas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Dačiulytė, Rūta | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Gražulis, Vladimiras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
The theme of study – graduate with the Human Science university degree integration into the labor market. The main aim of this study was to find out and analyze graduates integration into the labor market with the Human Science university degree and suggest guidelines in order to improve ways to achieve desired results. Object of the study – integration into the labor market. The term paper tasks: 1. To analyze changes of the labour market and tomention the most important problems of it. 2. To find out reasons of graduate
s unemployment, principal criteria’s for choosing specific profession and possibility for successful integration into the labor market. 3. To sum up statistical data in order to evaluate graduate integration into market using structural, functional and estimate methods. 4. To characterize the place of Hyman Science graduates in the labour market. 5. To make a proposals for reduction of the graduates unemployment using results of statistical analysis. In this term paper was used that investigation methodology: nonfiction literary analysis, statistical data and other literary analysis. The term paper findings: 1. On one hand young people are the most vulnerable part of society. On the other hand for its young members with a high education is easier to become employed because they are ready to improve their professional knowledge, in some cases – even get a new qualification. 2. Position in the labour market for graduates of the Human Sciences is more complicated in comparison with the graduates of other studies. Employment rate of those graduates is the lowest compared with other study programs. 3. Graduates who have graduated in other universities than in Vilnius Pedagogical University cannot choose the teacher’s profession while they have not finished study course of pedagogical – psychological knowledge. That kind of restrictions leads to tightened selection of professions related to the degree received in the university. 4. More and more graduates chooses they area of employment not related with their profession. That kind of tendencies often seen among the graduates of the Human Sciences. Obvious that there are problems in finding a balance between supply and demand of work force. It cannot be solved neither by scholastic institution or employees nor by the Government.