Ar švietimo programų rengimo tvarka, nenumatanti tėvų atstovavimo jų rengimo procese, nepažeidžia tėvų teisės į vaikų ugdymą?
Masiulionienė, Sandra |
Šiame darbe, pavadinimu „Ar švietimo programų rengimo tvarka, nenumatanti tėvų atstovavimo jų rengimo procese, nepaţeidţia tėvų teisės į vaikų ugdymą?“ Siekiama atsakyti ar nėra paţeidţiamos Konstitucijoje ir Tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose įtvirtintos tėvų teisės į vaikų ugdymą, nenumatant švietimo programų rengimo tvarką reglamentuojančiuose teisės aktuose, šių teisių įgyvendinimo galimybių. Darbe atskleidţiama, kaip yra realizuojamos tėvų teisės į vaikų ugdymą, švietimo programų rengime ir kaip jos įtvirtinamos Lietuvos Respublikos, teisės aktuose, vertinant tarptautinių teismų praktikos kontekste. Iškeltam tikslui pasiekti, suformuluoti šie uţdaviniai: apţvelgti teisės šaltinius, tėvų teisės vaikų ugdyme apimtimi, nagrinėjant tarptautinius teisės aktus, Konstituciją, Europos Ţmogaus Teisių Teismo sprendimus; išanalizuoti švietimo programų rengimo tvarką Lietuvoje; atskleisti tėvų teisės į vaikų ugdymą santykį su formaliojo švietimo programomis; įvardinti tėvų galimybes rengiant švietimo programas. Šiandieninė situacija rodo, jog sudarinėti ugdymo programų turinį, didţiausią galią turi valstybės institucijos. Siekiant keisti esamą situaciją, būtina analizuoti, kaip Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai ir tarptautiniai teisės šaltiniai įtvirtina tėvų teisę prisidėti prie švietimo ir ugdymo sistemų kūrimo. Šiame darbe buvo naudojami loginis, lyginamasis ir aiškinamasis literatūros, ir teisės aktų analizės metodai. Išanalizavus Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktus ir tarptautinius teisės šaltinius, taip pat ir Europos Ţmogaus Teisių Teismo jurisprudenciją, hipotezė - Švietimo programų rengimo tvarka, nenumatanti tėvų atstovavimo, paţeidţia Konstitucijoje ir tarptautinės teisės aktuose įtvirtintas pamatines tėvų teises į vaikų ugdymą, pasitvirtino. Nei LR Konstitucijoje, nei specialiuose Lietuvos įstatymuose nėra tiesiogiai įtvirtintos tėvų teisės būti atstovaujamiems švietimo programų kūrime.
Education of childring is a fundamental parent right. This right covers different education ranges including and formal education. Today there are situations where education program is mainly created by state institution. The main purpose is, that parents is beeing represented in creating education program. This is actually, because of international legislation task, not enough implemented in national legislation. The purpose of this is to investigate source of law in parents fundamental right to educate their children, investigating international legislation, Lithuanian Constitution, European human rights court decisions. First aim is to find out education preparing procedure in Lithuania. The second aim is to find out parents right to educate their children related to formal education programs. Finally, to identify parents ability in education program creation was examined in the study. The descriptive method was applied to analyse, how international legislation and national legislation helps to protect parents rights in order to be represented when creating education program. Comparative method was applied to analyse how other countries impose and make sure that, parents rights are secured in education program development. Legislation was analysed in logical way. Parental rights to children's education content and their implementation in national legislation. This work will aim to reveal the parents right to education of children realisation of educational program development and consolidation of the Republic of Lithuania, the current legislation, the assessment in the context of international judicial practice. Educational programming procedure, excluding the parents representation in violation of the Constitution and international law enshrined in the fundamental rights of parents in the education of children. Analysis of the Lithuanian legislation and international sources of law, as well as the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence, shows that the hypothesis - Educational programming procedure, excluding the parents representation in violation of the Constitution and international law enshrined in the fundamental rights of parents in the education of children, it has been confirmed. Neither the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania or Lithuanian special laws do not directly established right of parents to be represented in educational programming. Does the right of parents to their children's education by values create a state obligation to take into account the development programs of parental values? Can formal education programs can be neutral with respect to the parents of values? In what areas of education is there a reasonable parent interest, to take into account their values? Does the right of parents to educate their children according to their values, be ensured without the parents right to be represented in the preparation of educational programs? How Lithuania or valid educational programming procedure suffices to ensure international law enshrined in the Constitution and the rights of parents in the education of children? The work was a hypothesis that the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and legal acts establishes the rights of parents in the education programs insufficiently. This hypothesis was confirmed and led to the findings and recommendations. One conclusion was that Parents' right to education of children is enshrined in international law, is comprised of formal education. In the logic of international legal acts analysis, we can be reasonably concluded that the parents' right to education of children according to their beliefs, can not be fully realized independently of formal education. International law recognizes the freedom of parents to choose the right child to the appropriate school or education alternatives that meet academic requirements. There are also enshrines the right of children to take care of the religious and moral education in accordance with their own convictions. Thus, a systematic and logical interpretation of the international law of the content, we conclude that it is also covered in formal education. The principal conclusion was that parents' right to education according to their beliefs can not be ensured without parent real opportunities to be represented in the drafting process. Parents are the first educators of a child, and the right to educate their children must be protected. So parental involvement is essential and can not be replaced by any other authorities. The results show that the right of parents in the education of children according to their beliefs, should not be limited to moral and sexual education programs. Although parental rights in other educational programming process is not mentioned, but some things, such as literature, history, whose aims and objectives are to foster students' values, self-representation requires parents because the parents have the fundamental right to educate children according to their beliefs, and this The Constitution protects the right of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus, if the 5 Lithuanian law provides that parents can participate in the development plans, but can not participate (or to be represented) educational software development leads to the conclusion that the Lithuanian education and development of the national legislation, to comply fully with international law and the Constitution. It was found, Although Article 38 of the Constitution does not directly mention the parents the right to be represented in the preparation of educational programs, it is reasonable to say that this law is an integral part of the Constitution of the right and duty to educate their children to be honest people part. However, this right is not guaranteed educational programming process.