Jaunimo įsitraukimas į savanoriškas socialines veiklas Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnyboje
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Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-1372.
Lithuanian non-profit organizations face the problem that fewer and fewer young people want to get involved in voluntary social activities. Therefore, it is important to know the factors that influence the involvement of young volunteers in such activities and to determine what motivates them. The aim of the study is to analyse the manifestation of youth involvement in voluntary social activities in the Order of Malta Relief Organization. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. To analyse the concept and possibilities of voluntary social activity. 2. To substantiate the assumptions of youth involvement in voluntary social activities. 3. To investigate the attitude of young volunteers to the organization of voluntary social activities in the Order of Malta Relief Organization. By applying the method of systematization and comparative analysis of scientific literature, the essence and importance of volunteering was theoretically based, and the motives for involvement in volunteering were defined. By applying the quantitative research method, questionnaire survey and descriptive statistics methods, it was possible to identify the factors influencing the involvement of young volunteers in voluntary social activities in the Order of Malta's aid service. After conducting a theoretical analysis of the topic, it was established that the concept of involvement in voluntary activities, which combines a managerial and marketing approach, includes cognitive, emotional, behavioural, social and spiritual involvement of volunteers. Such an approach includes various factors that influence the formation and maintenance of volunteer engagement. From the most general point of view, it is possible to distinguish internal and external motives that promote people's involvement in voluntary activities. Intrinsic motivations arise from the volunteer's values, altruistic and philanthropic motivations, while extrinsic motivations include the pursuit of some benefit or the desire to act in a meaningful way. Identifying the volunteer's motives is important in ensuring his greater involvement in social activities, but it is important to note that over time these motives may change depending on the circumstances of a person's life, changing values and beliefs. A survey of the involvement of young volunteers in the Order of Malta Relief Organization revealed that the young volunteers of the Order of Malta Relief Organization are sufficiently involved in the activities of the organization - most of them devote at least one or several days a week to volunteering. The emotional and social involvement of young volunteers is most evident, while cognitively young volunteers are least involved. The research also showed that the Order of Malta Relief Organization does not pay enough attention to promoting the involvement of young volunteers and explaining how the task should be performed. Research data shows that the organization does not notice the work of volunteers and does not pay enough attention to expressing gratitude to volunteers. The results of the study suggest that the staff of the Order of Malta Relief Organization support service do not use all the possibilities for increasing the involvement of young volunteers. Development, understanding, values and career factors are the most motivating factors for young volunteers of the Order of Malta Relief Organization to become involved in volunteering, while the need for security has the least influence. The study revealed that according to the self- determination theory, the involvement of young volunteers in voluntary activities is more influenced by factors of independent than controlled motivation. This shows that the motives of the young people of the Order of Malta Relief Organization are strong enough and encourage them to get involved in the voluntary social activities of the analysed organization.