Legal issues concerning judicial control of the legality of normative administrative acts
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2009 |
Be to, norminio administracinio akto sampratos formalizavimas įstatymuose ne visuomet atitinka teisės mokslo bei teisminės praktikos vystymosi tendencijas. Administracinis teismas, nagrinėdamas bylą dėl norminio administracinio akto teisėtumo, nesprendžia administracinio ginčo dėl konkretaus suinteresuoto asmens pažeistos teisės, o tik patikrina ginčijamo norminio administracinio akto (jo dalies) atitiktį aukštesnę galią turinčiam teisės aktui. Toks ginčo dėl norminių administracinių aktų teisėtumo pobūdis suponuoja būtinumą tokių bylų procesą reglamentuoti specialiomis normomis.
These are the acts, which contain both legal norms and individual orders. This formalisation of the concept of the normative administrative act by law, which does not in all cases correspond to the tendencies of development of legal doctrine, prevents flexible judicial interpretation of the notion of normative administrative acts. The object of review of legality of a normative administrative act is not an individual dispute arising from specific substantial administrative legal relationbut normative legal acts adopted by institutions of the executive. Administrative court, while deciding a case concerning the legality of normative administrative act, does not resolve administrative dispute concerning the infringed rights of a specific interested person but verifies the compliance of a contested normative administrative act (or parts thereof) with legal acts of superior power. Therefore, the nature of the dispute concerning the examination of legality of such normative administrative acts, in author’s opinion, requires special rules for such proceedings. However, the procedure of this category of administrative cases is conducted according to the common procedural norms which regulate resolution of administrative disputes concerning rights infringed or interests secured by the law.