Termination of an employment contract upon unilateral notice of an employee in Lithuania
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Atlikus teisinio reglamentavimo ir praktinio taikymo analizę padarytos išvados, jog nutraukiant darbo sutartį darbuotojo pareiškimu labai svarbu nustatyti, ar yra tikroji darbuotojo valia nutraukti darbo santykius, teikiami pasiūlymai ilginti įspėjimo apie būsimą darbo sutarties nutraukimą darbuotojo pareiškimu terminus, nustatyti apribojimus darbuotojo iniciatyba nutraukti terminuotą sutartį.
The theoretical aspects and practical application of the termination of an employment contract upon an employee’s notice are analyzed in the paper. An employee can terminate an employment contract by his/her notice either without specifying any reason or due to some serious reasons. The problems of the regulation of the grounds for the exipiry of an employment contract are discussed and analyzed by comparison with the corresponding regulations in other European countries. Rulings of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lithuania are discussed to reveal the problems existing in practice. Conclusions and suggestions for the improvement of laws providing conditions for homogeneous interpretation of legal provisions are presented.