Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių konstitucinės sistemos : mokslo studija
Date Issued |
2012 |
This scientific study is the sequel of works from the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law at Mykolas Romeris University, aimed at widening the knowledge about constitutions and democratic constitutionalism in the context of comparative constitutional law. It should be noted that after 11 March 1990 the independent Lithuanian state was restored, and no studies about constitutions of other countries or constitutional development experience in Europe and other regions of the world were published. The educational publication “Constitutions of Foreign Countries” was released in order to fill this gap, at least partially. The texts of the constitutions of the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (non-consolidated constitutions), the Finnish Republic, the Estonian Republic, the Latvian Republic, the Polish Republic, the United States of America and the Russian Federation were published within. The texts were translated from the respective foreign languages. Compilers of the publication wrote afterwards that it was sought to present the constitutions in the Lithuanian language which was very important in the awakening of constitutionalism, as well as the constitutions that expressed specific political and legal features in Europe.