Vietos savivaldos sistemų teisinio reguliavimo mechanizmai
Author(s) | |
Kondratienė, Virginija |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Straipsnyje aptariami vietos savivaldos sistemų teisinio reguliavimo teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai, apibudinami pasaulyje naudojami vietos savivaldos organizavimo modeliai, pateikiama Europos teisėje įtvirtinta vietos savivaldos samprata, nagrinėjama vietos savivaldos institucijų kompetencijų paskirstymo sistema, pabrėžiama subsidiarumo principo (ypač sprendimų priėmimo žemiausiu valdymo lygiu) svarba valdymo demokratizavimui. Demokratinio valstybės valdymo kontekste nagrinėjamos ir vietos savivaldos teisinio reguliavimo problemos Lietuvoje. Teikiami siūlymai vietos savivaldos sistemai tobulinti bei valdymui demokratizuoti. Straipsnį sudaro įžanga, dvi dalys - ,,Vietos savivaldos sistemų teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai" ir „Vietos savivaldos instituto konstituciniai pagrindai", išvados, literatūros sąrašas, straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiama santrauka anglų kalba.
The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of the legal adjustment of the systems of local self-governance; it presents a description of the models of the organization of the local governance; it also points out the general features of the institutes of self-governance; furthermore, it presents the concept of the local self-governance consolidated in the European legislation. The article studies the distribution of competences of the institutions of the local self-governance and emphasizes the significance of the principle of subsidiarity (especially the decision taking on the lowest level) in the democratization of governance. In addition, it looks into the problems of the legal adjustment of the local self-government in the context of the democratic governance of the state. The article accentuates the necessity of the objective evaluation of the possibilities to transpose the institutions of local self-governance of foreign countries into the system of national legislation. The article presents the principles of the organization of the local self-governance enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and considers the compliance of the powers of the self-government Council, the Mayor and the Head of Administration laid down in the Law on Local Self-Governance. In order to avoid possible ambiguity in the text of the Constitution, it suggests setting a more detailed and clearer definition of the institutional structure of the self-governance and the powers of the subjects. It is proposed that the self-government council be granted a right to settle the main issues of self-governance, economic, financial issues and a right of appointment to key posts.