Prof. dr. Stasys Vėlyvis teisės moksle ir teisinėje empirikoje
Date Issued |
2008 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjami kai kurie teisės mokslo raidos, teisėkūros ir teisės funkcionavimo socialinėje tikrovėje klausimai Lietuvoje į visa tai žvelgiant per prof. dr. Stasio Vėlyvio veiklą teisės moksle ir teisinėje empirikoje. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į mokslines aktualijas, kurias savo darbuose nagrinėjo prof. dr. S.Vėlyvis, apie jo pedagoginę veiklą. Straipsnyje siekiama bent bendrais bruožais parodyti, kaip buvo kuriami Lietuvos Respublikos tautos ūkio teisiniai pagrindai atkūrus Lietuvos valstybingumą, pabrėžiamos individualių žmonių pastangos kuriant ir stiprinant visuomenės, valstybės funkcionavimo teisinį apibrėžtumą. Atskirai apžvelgiamos civilinio proceso teisės problemos, kurias pastaraisiais metais analizuoja prof. dr. S.Vėlyvis ir kiti šios srities mokslininkai teisininkai.
The article analyses certain issues of development of jurisprudence, functioning of legislation and law in social reality in Lithuania through activities of prof. dr. Stasys Velyvis, Head of Civil Procedure Department of Faculty of Law, Mykolas Romeris University in jurisprudence and legal empirics. It should be pointed out that prof. dr. Stasys Velyvis issued his first scientific publications and began pedagogical activities in 1962 in Vilnius University, Faculty of Law during a fairly complicated Soviet period. The author of the article notices that looking at today's environment of legal culture, jurisprudence, as well as other legal phenomena, and comparing it all with the past, it becomes certain that an influence of academic educators of prof. dr. Stasys Velyvis generation on development of legal culture is obvious. The influence is perceived by those who had opportunities to realize wisdom determined by direct experiences undergone having lost the state of Lithuania, after contradiction of traditional national values and those cherished by the people, as well as tragic transformations of social life. Talking about Soviet period jurisprudence in Lithuania the author points out that ideologization of various fields of jurisprudence was different. While disciplines of theory of state and law, history, and political theory could not avoid the so-called ,,class" explanation of genesis of state and law and Marxist doctrine, such fields as civil law and civil procedure law enjoyed the possibility to follow other legal values as well which stemmed from tradition and culture of Roman-Germanic law.