Patyčių prevencijos išgrynintoje gimnazijoje bruožai
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
tai savo ruožtu susiję ir su pirmųjų klasių gimnazistų adaptacija, tapimu visateisiais bendruomenės nariais; pakankamai didelis patyčių toleravimas skatina mokinius savarankiškai spręsti kylančias problemas – ignoruojant patyčių vyksmą arba išmokstant patiems toleruoti šalia vykstančias patyčias; vykdant patyčių prevenciją mokiniams didžiausią įspūdį palieka tie renginiai, kurie organizuojami pasitelkiant netradicines ugdymo formas; dauguma nacionaliniu mastu vykdomų adaptuotų prevencinių programų orientuotos į mokyklas, kuriose vykdomos pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo programos, o tai savo ruožtu išgrynintoms gimnazijoms sukelia tam tikrų finansinių problemų, norint realizuoti modifikuotas jaunesniems mokiniams skirtas programas dėl tikslinės grupės nebuvimo), atkreipiant dėmesį į patyčių prevencijos specifiškumą, išryškėjusį tyrimo metu, būdingą išgrynintoms gimnazijoms.
The article outlines the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon in terms of its conception, forms, causes and effects. It presents the situation in bullying prevention in Lithuania and discusses the main programmes implemented as well as the current practice. The article also analyses the main features of bullying prevention in gymnasiums separated from basic schools. Given the specific characteristics of bullying prevention at gymnasiums separated from basic schools, which were determined in the empiric research, the article concludes with the following findings of the empiric research: bullying on public and school transport used by schoolchildren from surrounding villages and small towns is a relevant problem to a gymnasium separated from the basic school located in a municipality centre, whose lower-form gymnasium students feel unsafe on such transport; this in turn is related to the adaptation of the gymnasium first-formers and their integration as full members of the community; rather high level of tolerance towards bullying encourages students to deal with their problems on their own—either by ignoring the occurrence of bullying or by learning to tolerate bullying taking place nearby; students are most impressed by bulling prevention events which are organised using non-traditional education forms; the majority of the adapted preventive programmes implemented on the national scale focus on schools with primary and basic education curricula, which in turn causes certain financial problems to gymnasiums separated from basic schools seeking to implement modified programmes meant for younger pupils due to absence of the target group.