Online reading and writing in english for specific purposes classes
Technologija |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Yra pateikiama rekomendacija: studentams tikslinga išmokti didinti skaitymo spartą. Tuo tikslu pravers metakognityvinių skaitymo įgūdžių mokymas ir praktinis taikymas, kurie padeda suvokti svarbias profesinio teksto mintis ir gebėjimą atskirti neesminę informaciją nuo svarbios. Pastarasis įgūdis yra būtinas formuluojant teksto suvokimą raštu.
The respondents were the students specializing in psychology at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania. All the participants were unanimous in the importance of writing and reading skills for the ESP tasks. 100 % of respondents support reading professional materials, and 80 % of respondents support exercising online writing. Self-assessment of reading proficiency demonstrate that 90 % of students believe they possess very good or good skills of reading, and 70 % of learners are sure of their good skills of writing. Respondents’ performance in these skills is less impressive. The paper describes some recommendations that aim at perfecting students’ proficiency in “read-to-write” assignments. It is urgent to help learners to develop better rates of reading and learn to employ metacognitive strategies in writing.