The present and the future of forensic identification
Author(s) | |
Hautzinger, Zoltán | University of Pécs |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Straipsnyje parodoma milžiniška kriminalinės justicijos mokslų pažanga, patvirtinamas mokslinis faktas, kad kriminalistikos taktikos metodai, tobulėjant kriminalistikos technikos metodams, kardinaliai nesikeičia. Žinoma, naujos pėdsakų suradimo ir fiksavimo metodikos yra labai svarbios, bet nauji laimėjimai į tyrimą turi būti įtraukiami laipsniškai. Kita vertus, kas prieš šimtmetį galėjo pagalvoti, kad žmogaus DNR galės būti naudojama kriminalistiniams tyrimams arba kad žmogaus rašysenos pavyzdžiai galės būti įrašyti į automatizuotą duomenų bazę.
The most Important challenge of the science of criminal investigation is the concrete identification of persons, subjects, scenes and actions, possibly connected to the crime. At the beginning, as bases for the Identification served only the testimonies of the witnesses and the traces visible to the naked eye and fixed at the scene. As a result of the revolutionary development of natural sciences, the circle of traces appropriate for being brought under forensic examination has Increased, and we can state that this tendency will not slow down In the future, In the sense of all this, the principle of forensic identification resting upon practical experiment, has also stepped Into a new dimension. This short essay makes an effort to survey the existing principles of Identification, through studying the existing scientific principles. At the same time it refers to that this development has to answer the circle safety-requirements getting wider nowadays, both within the single special fields and the theoretical thinking.