Įstatymo auklėjamosios galios interpretacijos Tomo Akviniečio filosofijoje
Author(s) | ||
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas viduramžių teologo ir filosofo Tomo Akviniečio teisės teorijos auklėjamasis aspektas. Auklėjamąją istatymo galią autorė analizuoja remdamasi teisingumo dorybe ir sąžinės samprata. Ši tema nėra pakankamai plačiai aptarta juridiniu ir edukaciniu požiūriu, todėl straipsnis aktualus ir teisininkams, ir pedagogams. Autorė teigia, kad teisminės veiklos pagrindas yra teisingumas, kuris įgyvendinamas tada, kai teisėjai, būdami teisingi ir remdamiesi teisingais istatymais, atitinkančiais visuomenės bendrojo gėrio reikalavimus, atlieka teisingas procedūras. Auklėjimą istatymu T. Akvinietis vertina kaip priemonę, turinčią ne tik baudžiamąją, bet ir auklėjamąją galią.
Relying on the Aristotelian definition of good as that at which all things aim, T. Aquinas underlines the dynamism of the good, which realizes itself as the final cause. This way the conclusion that people, while understanding the laws of the world and participating in its structure, aims at the ends, the foundation of which is the common good. Therefore the common good has to be the end of law. The good is not a simple sum of particular goods; it is the good of the universe and the source of all particular goods. Since people act with particular goods, a legislator, according to T. Aquinas, has to pay attention to the hierarchy of goods; for "the individual good is impossible without the common good of family, state, or kingdom. [ ... ] Since man is a part of the home and state, he must needs consider what is good for him by being prudent about the good of the many" (S.Th. II-II, q.47, a. 10, ad 2). From this point T. Aquinas describes society as the system of ends and purposes, within which citizens participating in the mutual exchanging of services establish social relations. For the good functioning of such a system there is the need in the governing body, which would rule prudently the life of state and, relaying on reason and moral virtues, would issue the just laws, taking care of the safety of citizens and granting the just distribution of common social goods. Thus the concept of common good in the system of T. Aquinas, according to the Polish theologian Jacek Salij OP, has moral consequences, which gives the educational power to the human law. At the same time it gives the criteria of justice for the assessment of that law. These are actual problems of the contemporary policy of jurisprudence and education.