Pasiklydę verti(ni)me
Alperytė, Irena | Vilniaus dailės akademija |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje aptariama menų ir kultūros vadybos studijų programų rengimo tvarka ir aplinkybės, kuriomis šis darbas yra vykdomas. Konstatuojama, kad didelė kliūtis atlikti deramą studijų programų savianalizę tampa personalo ar lėšų stoka aukštosiose mokyklose. Taip pat daroma išvada, kad analogiškos studijų programos Lietuvoje stokoja unikalumo ir jų yra per daug. Pagaliau mėginama nubrėžti galimas perspektyvas, kaip būtų galima išspręsti kylančias problemas.
Today, education in its broadest sense belongs to the service sector, as does healthcare, culture and sports. We apply similar rules of the management and marketing in these. Increasingly, however, there are practices that the applicability of business laws is transferred to the areas of soft activities, which are subject to the public good, and in which we are confronting contradictions. The fundamental problem that occurs regarding this topic is whether the teaching staff has a real chance to contribute to the improvement of the quality management in arts and culture management programmes. This paper discusses the procedures of arts and cultural management curriculum development and the circumstances under which the work is carried out. It is stated in the article that the lack of personnel or funding has become a major obstacle in the carrying out of a proper study programme development in higher education. It is also concluded that similar programmes in arts and culture management in Lithuania lack uniqueness, and are considerably too numerous. Finally, the author attempts to draw potential prospects on how to solve the arising problems in arts and culture management programme development.