Lietuvos teisėjų parengimas praktiniam vertybių realizavimui
Date Issued |
2018 |
Aksiologijoje analizuojant vertybių integralumą, pabrėžiama jų ugdomoji paskirtis įvairiose profesinėse srityse. Pastaruoju metu moksliniuose disputuose išryškinama dilema dėl praktinio vertybių realizavimo įvairiose srityse, taip pat ir viešojo administravimo sektoriuje. Teisėjo profesijai kaip tik būtinas aukštas vertybių integralumo lygmuo. Šiai profesijai keliami aukšti kvalifikaciniai reikalavimai, taip pat numatyta ypatinga kompetencija ir reikalavimai puoselėti pamatines vertybes. Atlikta mokslinių šaltinių analizė parodė, jog pasigendama išsamesnių mokslinių tyrimų, susijusių su praktine šių vertybių transformacija teisėjo veikloje; edukacinių įrankių, kurie galėtų padėti teisėjui konstruktyviai pasirengti realizuojant pamatines vertybes praktikoje, visuminio suvokimo ir konceptualizavimo. Todėl šiuo tyrimu siekiama išanalizuoti teisėjų mokymo diskursą, kaip pagrindinį edukacinį įrankį pasirengti praktiškai realizuoti vertybes teisėjo veikloje. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami Lietuvos teisėjų etikos mokymai bendrame pasaulio kontekste įvertinant ir profesinės etikos disciplinos svarbą Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo kontekste – teisės studijų programose. Taip pat analizuojant teisėjų etikos mokymų turinį ir ypatumus, išryškinama taikomosios etikos įtaka ruošiantis praktinei teisėjo veiklai, ir jau dirbant teisėju.
In Axiology, when analyzing the integrity of values, their educational role in various professional fields is emphasized. Recently, the dilemma is highlighted in scientific disputes concerning the practical implementation of values. It is precisely the profession of judge which needs a high level of integrity of values. The high qualification requirements are raised for this profession, as well as special competence and requirements for fostering basic values are foreseen. The analysis of scientific sources revealed that there is a lack of practical understanding of the transformation of these values in the judge's work and the perception and conceptualization of educational tools that could help the judge to constructively prepare for the implementation of fundamental values in practice. Therefore, this research seeks to analyze the discourse of the training of Lithuanian judges as the main educational tool to prepare for the practical implementation of values in the work of the judge. The article consists of two parts. The first part provides an overview of the ethics training of Lithuanian judges in the overall context of the world by assessing the importance of the professional ethics discipline in the context of higher education - law study programs. The second part analyzes the content and peculiarities of ethics training of judges, provides insights on the future trends of this training. The results of the research showed that when highlighting the integrity of the values in the field of applied ethics, the content of the education of Lithuanian judges is to be improved. In the context of higher education, the concept of applied ethics is being implemented only in part by future lawyers (and hence future judges). In some Lithuanian law study programs there are no educational tools (or they are very weak) that could help to prepare a future lawyer for the practical implementation of values in the future work, while some legal study programs have formed the fundamental knowledge of professional ethics, making it possible to better prepare for the practical implementation of values. Therefore, a professional ethics discipline is offered in all lawyers' training programs. In the system for improving the competence of Lithuanian judges, permanent constructive tools for the integrity of values are introduced: the discourse of professional ethics training is bound to four career stages of the candidate (judge), which helps the judge to prepare for the practical implementation of values and to implement them: in order to pass the exam of the candidate to the judges; during the practical training at court; during the new appointment of a judge for the first time during the introductory training and during the subsequent career of a judge in the course of developing / strengthening the general competences. The topics of management, planning, organization of work are relevant for a complete segment of management elements.