Deinstitucionalizacija: bendruomeninių vaikų globos namų link
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Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-564
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojamos socialinių darbuotojų patirtys dalyvaujant deinstitucionalizacijos procese, iššūkiai su kuriais jiems teko susidurti ir socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys ir funkcijos pertvarkos proceso metu. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptariami deinstitucionalizacijos teoriniai aspektai: deinstitucionalizamo samprata, institucionalizmo teoriniai aspektai, deinstitucionalizacija Europos kontekste. Antroje darbo dalyje aptariamas vaikų globos namų teisinis reglamentavimas ir vaikų globos namų deinstitucionalizacijos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pristatomi socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys ir funkcijos vaikų globos namų deinstitucionalizacijos proceso metu. Ketvirtoji darbo dalis supažindina su tyrimo metodais ir tyrimo organizavimu. Penktoje darbo dalyje pristatomi tyrimo rezultatai. Darbo pabaigoje pateiktos praktinės rekomendacijos, skirtos institucinių vaikų globos namų administracijoms, dalyvaujančios pertvarkos procese ir juose dirbantiems socialiniams darbuotojams.
Since the times of Soviet Union, children who have lost their parents have had an institutional care assigned to them, which, in modern society, is considered as one of the flaws of social politics. Institutional care cannot satisfy the main needs of the children and has a negative impact towards their development and behaviour. Eventually, the government started looking for an alternative for children without parental care, one that would enable a better preparation of independent living and better conditions for the child’s integration to the society. Based on the above points and the experience of other countries, Lithuania has started the deinstitutionalisation process. The social workers that work in orphanages are a major part of the institutions participating in the deinstitutionalization reform. The aim of this master’s thesis is to ascertain the experience of social workers that have participated in the deinstitutionalization of orphanages. Based on the experience of social workers, the aim of this thesis is to ascertain the challenges that social workers have faced during the reform. To analyse the main changes of deinstitutionalization with the focus on these aspects: the role and function of social worker, the interpersonal relationship between the worker and the ward, the nurture of the child’s social skills. The thesis consists of introduction, the body, which analyses theoretical aspects of the topic, analysis of research data, conclusion, recommendations, list of references, and the summary.