Problematic Aspects of Application of the Principle of Legal Certainty in the Practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
Vlasov, Mykhailo |
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-1074
This master's thesis is a comprehensive analysis of the principle of legal certainty and its application in the practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to study the historical development of this principle from antiquity to the present, to analyse its key elements, to study the domestic and European judicial practice in the application of this principle. As a result of the detailed study of the issue, the author has identified the main disadvantages in the judicial practice in Ukraine related to the uncertain application of this principle and has made recommendations for the elimination of theoretical and practical obstacles in the process of proper application of this principle by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. This research will help to improve judicial practice and provide greater legal certainty for citizens, which is essential for building a strong and stable democracy based on the rule of law. This thesis is a valuable contribution to the field of legal regulation of public administration and human rights with a focus on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.