Socialinis darbas jaunimo mokyklose: realybė ir galimybės
Jagelavičiūtė, Reda |
Kairienė, Brigita | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žemaitaitytė, Irena | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šinkūnienė, Jautrė Ramutė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Čiužas, Antanas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Navaitis, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Pivorienė, Jolanta | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
The relevance and novelty of the research. The contemporary school is the reflection of our complicated reality, and the process of education comprises of many different components. One of them is social aspect in school (Atutienė, 1997). In order to facilitate the solving of the social problems in schools, people were being prepared for getting involved in the process of helping a pupil, improving the organization of the school life, encouraging pupils to get involved in positive activities. Social work at school is carried out by a social pedagogue that needs not only pedagogical but also social work knowledge. Therefore in this work a social pedagogue is referred to as a person who carries out the social work at school. Social work in youth schools is new and not much researched area. The pupils that attend the youth school did not feel like they belonged in the general education school. They have to get constant attention of social workers in order to not become a social disjuncture after falling out of the traditional frames of school and society. A preventive function could be attributed to the youth school. The role of a social worker in such educational institution is especially important and responsible. His task is to return the teenagers to the educational system and society. The object of the research – social work at a youth school. The purpose of the research – to discover the content of the social worker‘s activities at a youth school: tasks, functions, problems. The methods of the research: Analysis of scientific literature Analysis of documents Written survey Qualitative analysis of content Quantitative analysis of data According to the results of the research, the principles of the educational system are closely linked to the principles of social work. When combined, these two systems can successfully interact, while striving for the same goal – to return the person to the educational system, to develop his possibilities, to provide conditions for him to become a normal member of the society. The main functions of a social pedagogue in youth schools are to consult, to organize and to develop social skills. A social pedagogue often carries out disciplining and correction of behaviour too. The activities of social pedagogues at the youth school are versatile. It is oriented to the pupil and his family, as well as to social activities related to collaboration and organizing of events. High level of the adaptation of pupils at the youth school was revealed in the summarized data of the research. The participants of the research have stated that they like studying at the youth school and for the majority of them it took less than a month to get adapted. More than a half of the participants of the research have positive attitude towards education and are planning to study further on after they have graduated from the youth school. It proves that the youth school, along with social work, achieves one of the set goals – to return the person to the educational system.