Regulation of International Jurisdiction in New Lugano Convention: Is the Efficient Hearing of Civil Cases between Selected Jurisdictions Ensured?
Šurpickaja, Ana |
Contents of a research. To achieve the uniform and efficient application and treatment of international jurisdiction rules enshrined in the New Lugano Convention. In order to disclose these rules and evaluate whether it is ensured the efficient hearing of civil cases between Lithuania and Norway, a state member of the EFTA, investigate legal acts which are in force nowadays and research ECJ case law and national case law of Lithuania and Norway. Aim of a research. Identify the international jurisdiction rules enshrined in the New Lugano Convention and investigate whether it is ensured the efficient hearing of civil cases between Lithuania and Norway, a state member of the EFTA. Results of a research. The aim and objectives, determined at the beginning of a research, achieved: defined the concept of international jurisdiction and assessed its relation with national jurisdiction; disclosed the legal acts regulating international jurisdiction in civil cases and determined their applicability order; identified the need of adoption of the New Lugano Convention and evaluated its place between other legal acts regulating international jurisdiction in civil cases; disclosed international jurisdiction rules enshrined in the New Lugano Convention and evaluated whether there is ensured parallel acting of the provisions of this legal act and of the Brussels I bis regulation; and assessed whether the hearing of civil cases between Lithuania and Norway, a state member of the EFTA, is efficiently ensured. After the evaluation of research results, provided possible suggestions for legislation improvement (amendmens of some articles of the New Lugano Convention) and other solution for ensurement of the efficient hearing of civil cases on regulation of international jurisdiction in the New Lugano Convention.