Urbanistinio miesto audinio atkūrimas reintegruojant ekstensyviai užstatytas teritorijas
Mačiulis, Algimantas | Vilniaus dailės akademija |
Date Issued |
2009 |
Dvidešimtajame amžiuje miesto gyventojai susid r su vairiomis problemomis, kurias l m miest pl tra. Teritorin miest ekspansija suk l rimt aplinkos apsaugos problem , suintensyv jo eismas, padid jo nusikalstamumas. Pastar j šimtmet miestai apib dinami kaip užteršti, pavojingi ir netgi žalingi sveikatai. Miest pl tra prad ta organizuoti pagal vairius urbanistinio planavimo modelius, kuriuos veik vyravusios architekt rin s tendencijos, ekonomin situacija bei gyventoj papro iai. Technologinis progresas, karai dar didel tak susiklos iusioms urbanistin ms strukt roms. Tam tikrais atvejais kai kurios teritorijos tapo apleistos ar nepakankamai išnaudojamos. Tokios „urbanistin s dykros“ neigiamai veikia aplinkines teritorijas, miesto strukt ra praranda vientisum . Visavertiškai atkurti pažeistas miesto užstatymo strukt ras manoma tik kuriant urbanistines pl tros ir tankinimo strategijas.
In the 20th century city dwellers started facing various kinds of problems determined by the expansion of cities. Territorial growth caused serious environmental problems, intensive traffic and increased criminal behavior. For more than one hundred years cities have been seen as polluted, dangerous and even harmful for human health. Cities developed by different models of urban planning, which were influenced by architectural trends, economic situations, customs of the inhabitants. Technological revolutions, wars caused different changes of urban structures. In some cases some of the territories are not used anymore or used inefficiently. Damaged urban fiber has to be restored because usually it negatively affects the citizens living around it. Still, the city is quite a static and inert structure, urban transformations demand a lot of money, time and efforts.