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The effects of globalization on Lithuania
Type of publication
Straipsnis konferencijos medžiagoje kitoje duomenų bazėje / Article in conference proceedings in other databases (P1c)
Author(s) | |
Makštutis, Antanas | Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija |
Smaliukienė, Rasa | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Title [en]
The effects of globalization on Lithuania
Publisher (trusted)
Global business and technology association |
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2009 |
p. 846-852
Is part of
Global Business and Technology Association : Business Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development : Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity : Reading Book. Prague, Czech Republic July 7-11, 2009. Prague : Global Business and Technology Association, 2009. ISBN 1932917055.
Field of Science
Keywords (lt)
Keywords (en)
Abstract (en)
The work gives cm analysis of the impact of the global economy factors on Lithuania's economic and market development tendencies in the 21" century, on the harmonious development of the state and society; research results are provided and compared with the achievements of other European Union (EU) states. In the 1'rst part, an analysis is made of effective management implementation opportunities, and in the second part, the developmental trends in the national economy and the market, the formulated generalizations and research conclusions are given.
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Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
ISBN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Čekija / Czechia (CZ)
Anglų / English (en)
Bibliographic Details