Administrative law as a macro-system phenomenom
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
The article analyses macro-occurrences of the administrative law. Implementation of macro-normative legal regulation is based on systematic evaluation of the phenomena in macro-environment and using of possibilities presented by this evaluation in legislation. Macro-norms are created by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, on the basis of legislative powers that are legitimate to this subject of the law. It is considered that the Lithuanian Parliament takes use of the social legal technologies insufficiently. Voluntarism is practiced in parliamentary legislative process; marginal provisions of drafting legislation and a ruling behavioural nihilism prevents the legislators from applying the scientific legal doctrines. It is underlined in the article that macro-administrative law devotes its main attention to defining the legal models of social behaviour and social position of the people belonging to certain social classes and structures, large social groups, and state institutions. The author of this article claims that it is necessary to use the macro-administrative law as a tool for construction of social structures. If this is not being considered, disabled law is being created, which can destroy the modern economic and social life system. In this regard, it is necessary to apply the provisions on micro-administrative legal procedures.
Administracinės teisės, kaip tam tikro makrosocialinio reiškinio apraiškų, suvokimas gali būti išeities taškas siekiant tobulinti pačios makroadministracinės teisės reguliacines galias, kad apie jos reguliavimo mastus suvoktų ne vien teisininkai, bet ir politikai, viešojo administravimo institucijų įvairių sričių vadovai ir specialistai.