A comparative analysis of the state’s control of debts and the optimization of its service expenses
Universitatea „Perspectiva-INT” |
În culegerea de faţă sunt incluse comunicările participanților la Conferința Internațională Științifică desfășurată în cadrul Universității „Perspectiva - INT”, cu tema „Dezvoltarea învățământului superior, a societății democratice şi economiei de piaţă în context european. Ediţia II”, 16 – 17 aprilie 2014.
The article is dedicated to show that effective management and optimal cost of a state debt are relevant to every nation. Since the recession, the management of a state debt has become increasingly important to the Republic of Lithuania. Significant liabilities had to be made in pursuance to cover up a budget deficit. Therefore, the ratio of the state debt and GDP have increased more than twice. In the future, refinancing previous debts is to remain a key goal of borrowing. Consequently, the effective management of the state debt will remain a relevant topic in Lithuania and other states of the EU for a long time to come.