Lawyers canon of the philosophical knowledge
Vilniaus universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
The high qualified lawyer ought to be characterised not only by good technical skills, but also by good professional comprehension of theoretical law foundations. The three most important qualities of legal norms discussed in the philosophy of law are meaningful to legal practice: I. The link of legal norms content with the moral values; II. The grounds of the legal norms system autonomy; III. The efficacy and power of law (the origion of motivation to respect the law by the legal addressee). The first quality unfolds within natural law theories (I. Kant, J. Messner, H. G. Hegel and others). These theories reveal the essence of freedom, help to frame the catalogue of basic human rights and freedoms, explain on which theoretical ground the right to choose the models of action is ascribed to the human being. The second quality unfolds within the hermeneutical- historical law approach. (H.-G. Gadamer, Ch. Taylor and others). This philosophical explanation of legal norms origin helps to understand the deep reasons of legal issues, conflicts and also expose on what political decisions and ethical attitudes these conflicts may be overcomed and guarantees respect to the law itself by legal subjects (the rule of law). The third quality unfolds within the positivistic-procedural law approach (J. Bentham, H. Kelsen, H. L. A. Hart, J. Habermas and others). These theories explain why and for who it is necessary to separate legal norms and moral norms as well as the theories expose by which mode lawmaking operates as autonomic process. Moreover, the theories are the grounds of the relationship between democracy and law, formulate fundamental principles of all procedural law institutes.