Laiko planavimo ir efektyvaus naudojimo teorinis modelis
Čiarnienė, Ramunė |
Vienažindienė, Milita |
Time is a unique resource in that everyone is given an equal amount – 24 hours each day. How we invest that gift is a major factor in how we feel about our lifes. Time goes by at the same rate no matter what are we doing. We can‘t speed it up or slow it down. Unlike the other resources that we can manage, there is no way to control time. The best we can do is take charge of ourselves in the framework of time, investing in those things that matter most. During the last two decades, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of time in today's global and rapid society. The temporal dimension of work has become more important because of expanding global competition and increased demands for immediate availability of products and services. Time is considered as one of the most important and valuable human resources, from both professional and personal sense. The paper analyzes the problem of time planning and efficient use. Time management can be defined as behaviours that aim at achieving an effective use of time while performing certain goaldirected activities. These behaviours comprise: time assessment behaviours, which aim at awareness of here and now or past, present, and future and self-awareness of one’s time use, which help to accept tasks and responsibilities that fit within the limit of one’s capabilities; planning behaviours, such as setting goals, planning tasks, prioritising, which aim at an effective use of time; and monitoring behaviours, which aim at observing one’s use of time while performing activities and generating a feedback. People have individual perceptions of time and different skills to realize themselves in time. The analysis of the main time management techniques, their features and application possibilities is presented in the paper. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the authors propose a theoretical model illustrating the importance of time planning and benefits of efficient time usage on individual and organizational level. The presented model consists of the following 3 major components: the problems for individuals and organizations; time planning typology and techniques; and benefits for individual and organization.
Straipsnyje analizuojama laiko planavimo ir efektyvaus naudojimo problematika. Pristatoma laiko, kaip vieno svarbiausių žmogaus išteklių, reikšmė, tiek profesine, tiek asmenine prasme, individualus laiko suvokimas ir gebėjimai realizuoti save laike. Akcentuojamas laiko planavimo aktualumas šiuolaikinėje sparčioje ir globalioje visuomenėje; apibendrinamos pagrindinės laiko planavimo ir efektyvaus naudojimo technikos, jų ypatumai ir taikymo galimybės. Remiantis atlikta mokslinės literatūros analize, straipsnio autorės pateikia teorinį modelį, iliustruojantį laiko planavimo svarbą ir efektyvaus naudojimo reikšmę asmeniniu ir organizacijos lygmeniu.