Некоторые проблемные вопросы гармонизйции подготовки экспертов и специалистов в контексте движения единому Европейскому криминалистическому пространству
Date Issued |
2019 |
Questions of the criminalistics didactics, including the preparation of the experts and specialists, has always been important to the development of criminalistics. On particular interest they become right now, when the expert conclusion in one country becomes evidence in another European country. Unfortunately, however have noted, that criminalistic policy issues in the field of didactics has serious flaws in countries at the national level. On the basis of our research carried out and the practice of foreign countries, taking into account the challenge and emerging trends in the development of a common area of forensic science, we raise ourselves an integrated task of the scientific exploration of the criminalistics didactics questions in Lithuania.