Kritika interpreatcije filoloških Stavova Vuka Stefanoviča Karadžiča od strane "Jugoslovenske integralističke filologije"
Author(s) | |
Vilniaus universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
The article is criticizing a wrong interpretation of philological writings of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic upon Serbian and Croatian language and ethnolinguistic identities by the "Yugoslav integral philology" in both Yugoslavias. It has been shown that this group of authors interpreted Vuk's writings upon the metter within the framework of the official state policy of "Yugoslav integration" and "brotherhood and unity" with the final result that Vuk was unjustifiably proclaimed as linguistic unificator of Serbs and Croats. However, the article shows that Vuk never was in opinion that Serbs share the same language with Croats what basically means that he assumed that Serbs and Croats are two different ethnolinguistic groups but not the same one as it was wrongly represented by the official Yugoslav philology of integration and unity.