Ekonominės raidos problemos Lietuvoje
Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Darbe analizuojami šalies ūkio ir rinkos makroekonomikos bei mikroekonomikos veiksniai globalios ekonomikos sąlygomis bendroje Europos Sąjungos erdvėje XXI amžiuje. Aptariamos vidinės ir išorinės grėsmės, kurios daro įtaką Lietuvos nacionaliniam saugumui Baltijos jūros regione tarp Vakarų ir Rytų. Prognozuojamos ekonomikos raidos galimybės, rezervai ir rizika. Aprašoma ekonomikos politikos strategija, kaip pagrindas stiprinti nacionalinį saugumą. Pateikiami apibendrinimai ir išvados.
The paper analyzes the economic factors of the development of the national state in the EU. The place of the national state is shown under globalization in the common EU space where under the conditions of a free market complicated tasks are being formed: for development of progress, promotion of democracy in the territory of the state, and activation of the public activity. Problems of development the national state and economic development as well as ways of their solution are described. Analysis is given of the opportunities of the modernization of the organization on the national economic and market the common EU space, factors for optimization of human labour are determined and presented, and methods are foreseen for solving the future political, economic and social problems in Lithuania and the EU under the conditions of globalization.