Tėvų, auginančių cukriniu diabetu sergantį vaiką, emocinė būklė ir mokymosi susigyventi su liga patirtis
Date Issued |
2019 |
Pirmojo tipo cukrinis diabetas, tai lėtinė liga, kuri sutrikdo įprastą šeimos gyvenimą. Cukrinis diabetas pakeičia vaiko ir tėvų gyvenimo įpročius, kadangi atsiranda poreikis ligą gydyti ir kontroliuoti, ypatingai prižiūrėti vaiką. Pažymėtina, kad ligos pradžioje tėvai susiduria su psichologinėmis ir fizinėmis baimėmis, kurios gali paveikti šeimos gerovę. Tyrimo objektas - tėvai, kurie augina vaikus sergančius cukriniu diabetu emocinė būklė bei patirtis, mokantis susigyventi su vaiko liga. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti, kaip tėvai auginantys cukriniu diabetu sergantį vaiką, jaučiasi sužinoję apie vaiko ligą ir kaip mokosi susigyventi su liga. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) išsiaiškinti, kokias emocines būkles patiria tėvai auginantys cukriniu diabetu sergantį vaiką ligos pradžioje; 2) atskleisti, kaip emociškai reaguoja ir kokiais būdais tėvai mokosi susigyventi su vaiko liga. Tyrimo metodai: teoriniai – mokslinės literatūros analizė, apibendrinimas ir sisteminimas; empiriniai – duomenų rinkimui naudotas pusiau struktūruotas interviu metodas; tyrimo duomenų analizei taikytas turinio (content) analizės metodas. Tyrime sutiko dalyvauti 5 moterys, kurios augina cukriniu diabetu sergantį vaiką. Tyrimo dalyvės augina vaikus, kurie serga cukriniu diabetu iki 3 metų, vaikų amžius nuo 3 metų iki 11 metų. Visos moterys turėjo aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Empiriniu tyrimu atskleista, kad mamos sužinojusios, kad jų vaikas serga cukriniu diabetu patiria įvairias emocines būkles (stresą, nerimą, baimę, šoką, neviltį), taip pat jas kankina, nežinojimas, todėl labai svarbu suteikti tėvams psichologinę pagalbą bei suteikti pakankamai informacijos apie cukrinį diabetą ir ateities perspektyvas. Tyrimu atskleista, kad mamos, kurios augina cukriniu diabetu sergantį vaiką įvairiais būdais bando išmokti susigyventi su liga ir ją priimti. Tyrimo dalyvės paminėjo, kad susigyventi su liga padėjo asmeninės savybės ir savitvarda, taip pat stimulas ieškoti informacijos apie cukrinį diabetą ir jo gydymo galimybes diabeto klubuose ir tėvų forumuose Tyrimo dalyvės taip pat mokosi susigyventi su liga per patirtis, dalinamosios patirtimis su kitais tėvais, konstruktyviai spręsdamos kritines situacijas ir kitais būdais padėdamos savo vaikams valdyti ligą.
Social Work User Username Password Remember me Journal Contents Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other MRU Journals Font Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger About The Authors Indrė Čergelytė – Podgrušienė Vida Gudžinskienė Language Select Language Keyword Cloud adolescence assistance child empathy family integration interaction legal education loss reflection school secondary school social competence social exclusion social policy social security social services social support social work socialization students Popular Articles »Case management in social work 6885 views since: »The Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Students Career Decision Self-Efficacy 6426 views since: 2014-05-06 »Emotional intelligence of adolescents: analysis of emotional and behavioral problems, stressful life events and demographic characteristics 4624 views since: »Relationship Between Positive Psychological Capital and Elements of Subjective Well- Being: Systematic Review 3727 views since: 2014-11-24 »Factors influencing a decrease in students’ learning motivation 3330 views since: »Developing social work students’ self-reflection skills in theoretical courses 2588 views since: »Changing roles of elders in the family 2579 views since: »Understanding the use of self in social work practice 2540 views since: »Child-Parent Relationships and Positive Youth Development Components 2298 views since: 2014-05-06 »Motivation factors in the professional activity of social workers 1816 views since: crossref crosscheck Home About Register Current Archives Editorial Board Home > Vol 17, No 1 (2019) > Čergelytė – Podgrušienė EMOTIONAL SITUATION AND EXPERIENCE OF PARENTS TO DEAL WITH THE DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE OF THEIR CHILD Indrė Čergelytė – Podgrušienė, Vida Gudžinskienė Abstract Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that disrupts a normal family life. Diabetes affects the child’s family: a chronic disease of a child is a difficult experience for all members of the family. Compared to other chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus causes tension in the members of a family of a child with diabetes. Negative emotions of one’s family members can eventually make an impact on the psychological and social development of a child. Parents are afflicted with various fears: they are concerned about the child’s life, possible complications, worried about the child’s future related to gaining a profession and starting a family. Research object: parent’s, who raise a children with diabetes mellitus, emotional situation and experience of coming to terms with the disease. Research aim: to reveal how parents, who raise a child with diabetes mellitus, feel when they find out about child’s disease and learn to come to terms with it. Research objectives: 1) to determine emotional states of parents, who raise a child with diabetes mellitus, at the beginning of the disease; 2) to reveal how emotionaly react and what methods are used by parents to learn to come to terms with the child’s disease. Research methods: theoretical – analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific literature; empirical – a semi-structured interview method has been used for data collection; content analysis method has been applied for the analysis of the research data. Participants of the research were 5 women, who have children with diabetes. Participants of the research have children, who are affected by diabetes up to 3 years, age of children is from 3 to 11 years. All women had higher education. Empirical research revealed that after determining that one’s child is suffering from diabetes mellitus, parents experience various emotional states (stress, anxiety, fear, shock, depression, ignorance and chaos); thus, it is very important to provide parents with psychological support and sufficient amount of information about the disease and future perspectives. After determining that one’s child has diabetes, informants of the research go through various emotional states (experience shock, anxiety, fear, confusion, stages of denial, do not know how to behave and what to do). Participants of the research emphasized that family support, not giving in to emotions and search for solutions helped to overcome negative emotions. Empirical research revealed that parents, who raise a child with diabetes mellitus, in various ways try to learn to live with the disease and accept it. Participants of the research mentioned that their personal qualities and self-control, as well as the incentive to find out more about diabetes and means of treatment on the Internet, diabetes clubs and parenting forums helped to come to terms with the disease. Participants of the research have also emphasized that they are learning to come to terms with the disease by sharing their experience with other parents, by constructively solving critical situations and by other ways that help children to control the course of the disease during their daily activities.