Small and medium-sized business support in the European Union
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava |
Date Issued |
2007 |
This paper is designed in order to analyze one of the main economical policy problem - how to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized business. Economists look for one of the most effective business development methods and try to create various economic models in order to realize them. As a result, there are some important assumptions for the development of small and medium-sized business such as: the system of small and medium-sized companies financing and support is created, still works and, luckily, is expanding; the physical business infrastructure in all European Union is widely spread. Despite the fact that scientists and governmental institutions try to seek the best way of small and medium-sized companies financing, the main problem arises - there are many negative aspects that hinder from the development of these companies. That is why the aim of this paper is to analyze the financing system of small and medium-sized companies in the European Union. This objective is realized by studying scientific literature and analyzing law documents.