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Baudžiamojo proceso ir operatyvinės veiklos sąveika
Type of publication
Straipsnis kitame recenzuojamame leidinyje / Article in other peer-reviewed edition (S5)
Title [lt]
Baudžiamojo proceso ir operatyvinės veiklos sąveika
Other Title [en]
Interaction of criminal process and operative activities
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2000 |
p. 117-125
Is part of
Jurisprudencija : mokslo darbai. Vilnius : Lietuvos teisės universiteto Leidybos centras, 2000, t. 17(9).
Field of Science
Keywords (lt)
Abstract (en)
As operative activties in recent yars "came out from underground" and information (data) collected during operative activities lost the halo of "data (information) not for public release", or " material obtained in unpublicable way and having no power of evidence" and as a system of public operatyve measures for fixing crime in preparation...
Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
ISSN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Lietuva / Lithuania (LT)
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt)
Bibliographic Details
Access Rights
Atviroji prieiga / Open Access