Socialinio darbuotojo ir grupės sąveika
Date Issued |
2007 |
Grupinės psichoterapijos metodai skverbiasi į pačias įvairiausias gyvenimo sritis ir efektyviai taikomi. Tai lemia daug priežasčių. Pirmiausia darbas grupėmis yra ekonomiškesnis nei individualus darbas – per tą patį laiką galima padėti didesniam skaičiui žmonių. Grupėje realiau kuriamas kasdienis žmogaus gyvenimas – kiekvienas čia toks, koks paprastai būna palaikydamas santykius su kitais žmonėmis. Tai leidžia tikroviškiau pamatyti jų gyvenimo problemas ir sunkumus. Dauguma žmogaus psichologinių sunkumų ir sutrikimų turi ryškų tarpasmeninį kontekstą, todėl ir pagalba tokiais atvejais būna daug efektyvesnė panaudojant grupės dalyvių tarpasmeninį bendravimą vadovaujant terapeutui (socialiniam darbuotojui). Tarpasmeninis mokymasis taip pat veiksmingesnis, nes teikia galimybę pasinaudoti kitų žmonių patirtimi.
Group psychotheraphy (encounter group) methods nowadays are widely applied in very different areas of life. Group work is more economical than individual, because at the same time we can help for group of people, not for one individual. During this process individuals can help each other better than social worker, because they all have similar problems and similar experiance. They can learn from each other, but it is very important that they need to be controlled by somebody. Social work as we know is very wide pactice, we can work individually or in groups. We are interested in group work. During this process group leader, social worker, must continually follow and analyse group process. There are five main phases of group developement and each of them is very important. First is orientation pase; next – fight for power pase; trust; differentiation and parting phases. Improvement of al group situation and state of mind depends from psychoterapical elements, and we can mention the most important of them. They are: stimulation of hope, universality of problems, briefing of group members, altruism, developement of social skills, emulation, catharsis, social learning, group saturation, existential elements etc. The most important task for group leader is to make conditions, where group can work with all potency and reach the best results. For this porpouse, he must have such personal touches as courage, openness, self power, sence of humoru, ingenuity, he must be a good example for all, must know how to take an aggression, he must participate emotional in all work with group, must cognize himself, seek new experiance in his life.. All these personal touches help to reach the main purpuse, to work efectively. Of course, nothing can be done without good professional skills. We can find a lot of skills, that is very important and such are active listening, remould of affirmations, summing- up, questioning, interpretation, confrontation, offering of support, empathy, formating of purposes, evaluation, respons, protection, display, modelling, interference, finishing and etc. At the same time, group leader must be hearty, but think carefully what and how to say. He must find the way, how to express himself right. Work in group for group leader is very hard and require a lot of practice. The best way to learn is to participate in such kind of group by him, feel the same way, as his cliants can feel.