Research problems in analysis of relationship between financial stability and aggregated debts
Knowledge Society Institute |
Date Issued |
2015 |
The aim of this paper is to review current research problems in analysis of relationship between financial stability and aggregated debts and define research problems which are not well explored and can inspire further researches. First, concept of financial stability was briefly reviewed and macro prudential approach explained, as the further analysis is based on this approach. Further it was reviewed what questions are raised while analyzing each aggregated debt’s impact and overall influence of all debts on financial stability. Aggregated debts are the debts of institutional sectors which are households, enterprises and government. It was noticed that most research problems concentrate on analysis of how either household debt or public debt impacts financial stability. The influence of enterprise debt is much less researched. In particular how non-financial business sector’s debt is related with financial stability of the country. And finally, the overall impacts of all aggregated debts is the least researched, therefore there is obvious need for further research problems in this area.