Įsivertinimo svarba mokant(-is) profesinės užsienio kalbos
Kauno technikos kolegija |
Date Issued |
2009 |
Straipsnyje aptariama savęs vertinimo - vienos iš studentų ugdymo rezultatų vertinimo kaitos prioritetiniu krvpčiu - reikšmė mokant(-is) profesinės užsienio kalbos. Šiuo metu nuo vienpusiško, tik dėstytojo atliekamo vertinimo vis labiau pereinama prie aktyvaus studentų dalyvavimo savo pasiekimų vertinime. Straipsnyje akcentuojamas vertinimas pagal iš anksto numatytus, studentams žinomus kriterijus, aptariamos rašymo užduočių įsivertinimo galimybės.
Nowadays more and more students are proceeding from one-sided lecturer's marking so self-assessment. The article deals with the problems of the assessment, which is planned earlier using the criteria known for students, as well as with the possibilities to self-assess writing tasks. The investigation of the self-assessment of written tasks has been carried out in the Faculty of Public Security of Mykolas Romeris University. 61 students of non-university siudies have participated in the above mentioned investigation. With reference to the results of investigation the following conclusions can be deduced: 1. self-assessment is related to the classes of professional foreign language. A learner has to he constantly encouraged to assess his learning process and progress and to intercept responsibility for learning, which makes the basic condition of preparing for life long learning. 2. although most students have had difficulties in correct and objective self-assessment, the have stated that self-assessment helps to perfect the abilities of professional foreign language and enhances the motivation of learning. 3. the assessment associates with unpleasant emotions and negative experience for the majority of students. The usage of self-assessment helps students experience positive emotions.