Klimato kaitos reguliavimo tarpsektoriškumas
Date Issued |
2009 |
Straipsnyje analizuojamas klimato kaitos reguliavimo tarpsektoriškumas, klimato kaitos politikos kūrimas Lietuvoje bei tarpinstitucinis funkcijų pasiskirstymas įgyvendinant tarptautinius susitarimus, įpareigojančius mažinti šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų (toliau - ŠESD) išmetimus. Apskaitomiems ŠESD išmetantiems sektoriams nustatyti nagrinėjamos nacionalinės ŠESD inventoriaus ataskaitos, atliktos studijos bei teisės aktai.
The climate change problem remaining essential, importance of its interdisciplinary emerge. For framing it, National greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports, studies on implementation of UNFCCC in the state and local legal acts concerning climate change are analysed. Inter-institutional functionality for implementing provisions of international agreements to reduse GHG are over-viewed. When identifying sectors, responsible for GHG emissions, the following conclusions are made: implementation of international climate change agreements create certain legal, economic, technical, environmental and other norms. For effective implementation of climate change policy on state level, these should be investigated. When implementing European legal acts on emission trading which is one of economic tools to reduce GHG, the following scheme appears: planning (data on actual emissions, opportunity studies, etc.), preparation and approval of national allocation plans, issue of permits, verification and recordance of actual emissions, reporting, imposition of penalties if necessary and information spread to the society.