Šiuolaikiniai migracijos procesai ir jų įtaka Lietuvos darbo rinkai
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
The aim of the paper is to carry out the analyzes of migration and to determine what influence it does on the labour market of LT. The analyzes of the scientific literature of the problem was carried out and the main factures influencing the migration were determined. At present existing legal reglamentation associated with the migration of a person and giving job to people of the third world countries in particular ensures possibility to prevent negative consequences of migration. Making effective use of the possibilities given by migration depends on how successfully migrants adapt to the society integrating in to it. That is why it is necessary to improve migrant's integration into labour market and to make the best use of the possibilities given by EU. Analyzes of immigrants in the country curry out recently revealed the possible interest of the Republic of Lithuania in the economical and political area. It is supposed that the demand of extra workers for Lithuania could be satisfied by attracting immigrants not from the countries of EU, but for Russia. Ukraine. Byelorussia, because the level of livelihood is lower there. Being the shortage of labour force in the country immigrants have positive influence of the labour market because competing among themselves they determine cheap labour force.