Tarnavimo visuomenei motyvacijos ir įsitraukimo į darbą sąsajos savivaldos lygmeniu
Date Issued |
2015 |
Nowadays, it is much discussed and argued that Lithuania has to seek higher competitiveness in the world. However, a strategic and systemic approach to the public employees whose first duty is to help create an environment benevolent for the increase in competitiveness is evidently lacking. The question regarding human resources management measures that could prompt the most capable people to stay in the civil service despite quite solid employment offers form organizations of other sectors remains unsolved. A motivated and talented public employee working in the system of civil service, despite the changes of the ruling parties, can reasonably expect a clear and longterm strategy regarding his or her motivation: having demonstrated exceptional performance results and having proved the abilities to create value for the citizens or clients, an employee can expect the system of the civil service to undertake to assure the space for work and permanent development. However, a lack of confidence in employees of the public sector, and their presumptive attitude towards private interests, causes concern because of a low motivation to serve the public. This article is based on the assumptions that work engagement, by its nature and aspects of energy, absorption and dedication, should create a balance between a public servant’s rationality and their desire to serve the public. In this context, the purpose of this article is to reveal the relationship between public service motivation and work engagement in the Vilnius city municipality administration. This institution is one of the most important segments of the public sector and its employees’ activities have a direct impact on the local population. The main tasks of this article are 1) to analyze a theoretical aspects of public service motivation and work engagement;