Įmonės aplinkos komponentų daugiakriterio kiekybinio vertinimo principai ir modeliai
Zinkevičiūtė, Virgilija | Prieskyra nežinoma |
Vilniaus teisės ir verslo kolegija |
The article reviews the developed principles and methods for evaluation of business environment components, as well as corresponding models for quantitative evaluation of macro-and micro-environment components, industry and competitors. The article presents the developed principles of the evaluation of business environment components, based on formalisation of environment components, analysis of primary factors and on quantitative evaluation of environment components by multiple criteria analysis (validated SAW method) using the developed system of criteria. A developed system of quantitative evaluation, which includes evaluation of both primary factors and compound values (indices of environment components) and determination of potential index of competitors based on created basic models, allows to analyse the influence of significant factors and to use the results as emerging new opportunities (or to avoid foreseen threats). This methodology is an important theoretical tool to validate strategic business decisions of a company, especially while implementing the environmental management strategy. Viability of the prepared principles and models for complex evaluation of environment components is determined also by the fact that this quantitative evaluation technique can be incorporated into general quantitative evaluation system of business decisions and, in turn, into long-term business computer controlled sub-systems and systems