Liudytojas ir jo procesiniai interesai baudžiamajame procese: monografija
Date Issued |
2009 |
Ši monografija - pirmasis tokio pobūdžio darbas Lietuvoje, skirtas atskleisti liudytojo esme ir samprata baudžiamojo proceso teisėje, šio subjekto procesiniu interesu turini ir jų apsaugos galimybes. Joje analizuojami liudytojo sampratos, jo procesiniu interesu turinio teoriniai pagrindai, apimantys liudytojo instituto istorini formavimąsi ir raida, teisinės liudytojo padėties turinį ir sudedamuosius elementus, procesiniu šio subjekto interesų apsaugos priemonių mechanizmą, taip pat atsižvelgiant i nacionalinių, tarptautinių teismų praktika, užsienio valstybių patirtį ieškoma atsakymu į praktikoje kylančius ar galinčius iškilti klausimus, susijusius tiek su teisiniu reguliavimu, tiek su praktiniu tam tikrų nuostatų įgyvendinimu. Knyga turėtų būti naudinga tiek studijuojantiems teise, tiek mokslininkams, tiek praktikams, kurie tiesiogiai savo darbe susiduria su nusikalstamu veikų tyrimo ar nagrinėjimo uždaviniais.
The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania protects and defends rights and interests of a person. Its mission has to be implemented without any discrimination not allowing any conditions that may reason appearance of social separation. This is also specified in the Crimi¬nal Procedure Code (hereinafter referred to as the CPC) of the Republic of Lithuania where Article 1 defines the goal of criminal procedure related to protection of interests of a person or a citizen within the time of procedural activity. Therefore while investigating and analyzing criminal acts the persons involved into the procedure who have one or another interest in this procedure should not be forgotten or ignored. The witness belongs namely to this circle of persons and appears together with the circumstances of criminal deeds. Unfortunately, legal status and role of this subject have often been not only depreciated but simply unintentionally forgotten. As a rule it is considered that the role of the witness commences and ends with giving testimony during the stages of pre-trial investigation, trial examination, etc. Besides, quite often it is affirmed that this subject of the procedure has no interest in the case whatsoever, his/her role is fragmentary, subsidiary. Finally, the mission of this subject in general is usually put into the background not realizing that in numerous cases the witness's evidence is extremely significant or even decisive. [...]