Naujosios viešosios vadybos elementai: teorinis požiūris
Date Issued |
2012 |
Straipsniu siekiama apibrėžti naujosios viešosios vadybos koncepciją ir identifikuoti jos elementus. Autoriai išskyrė tokius glaudžiai susijusius naujosios viešosios vadybos elementus: decentralizacija, privatizacija, orientacija į rezultatus, rinkos mechanizmo sukūrimas viešajame sektoriuje, privataus sektoriaus vadybos metodų diegimas, dalyvavimas. Išnagrinėjus naujosios viešosios vadybos elementus daroma išvada, kad pastarieji viešajam sektoriui gali duoti teigiamų pokyčių, paversdami jį efektyvesniu, paskatindami ekonomiškesnį išteklių panaudojimą ir konkurenciją, bet kartu iškelti ir naujus probleminius aspektus. Straipsnyje naudojami mokslinės literatūros analizės ir apibendrinimo metodai.
When implementing certain reforms, political rhetoric is often much more powerful than their economic and social results. It is therefore necessary to analyse the peculiarity of policy of introduction and implementation of elements of NPM and answer the question of whether NPM actually makes public management more efficient, or perhaps in some cases leads to new problems, without addressing the old ones. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and analyze theoretically the new public management elements, creating conditions for further research on public management. New Public Management is a management approach that essentially seeks to transfer the private sector management techniques to public administration. NPM is also understood not only as shrinking of the public sector, but also – and most importantly – as its modernization in order to increase efficiency of the bureaucratic structures. With reference to the literature review, we can say that the new public management is based on the following elements: decentralization, privatization, orientation to results, creation of market mechanism in the public sector, introduction of private sector management practices, and participation. These elements are closely interrelated. Decentralization is transfer of functions or competences of central government to local authorities, autonomous agencies, and, in some cases, the private sector. There are many arguments supporting decentralization benefits: cutting red tape, bringing government closer to the people, increased accountability of institutions and politicians to the people, possibility to more flexibly involve people, trade unions and others in the decision- making. But there are sceptics, the prevailing opinion among whom is that decentralization violates the principle of economies of scale. [...]