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Влияние изменения в концентрации портфеля кредитов на стабильность банковского сектора =
Type of publication
Straipsnis recenzuojamoje užsienio tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje / Article in peer-reviewed foreign international conference proceedings (P1d)
Title [ru]
Влияние изменения в концентрации портфеля кредитов на стабильность банковского сектора =
Other Title [en]
The impact of loan‘s portfolio concentration changes to the banking sector
Publisher (trusted)
Technical University-Sofia |
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2015 |
p. 943-947
Is part of
XII international scientific conference “Management and engineering ‘15” : conference proceedings, June 21-24, 2015 Sozopol, Bulgaria. Vol. II / Technical University-Sofia ... [et al.]. Sozopol : Technical University-Sofia, 2015, Year XXIII.
Kitas ISSN 1314-6327
Field of Science
Abstract (en)
The paper reviews influence of changes in Lithuanian banking sector loans portfolio concentracion to bankng sector stability. Banks are one of the most important financial institutions. Bank credits directly influence economical development of the country. From the other side concentration risk appears then banks, seaking for higher profit, provide large credits for separate borrowers or related borrowers of the same sector. The aim of the paper is to investigate interdependence between the level‘s of concentration of the loan‘s portfolio and stability of commercial banks sector. The investigation was carried out on the basis of commercial banks operating in Lithuania in 2004 – 2012 years.
Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
ISSN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Bulgarija / Bulgaria (BG)
Rusų / Russian (ru)
Bibliographic Details