Paslaugų užsakomosios veiklos modeliai ir vertinimas
Author(s) | |
Dūdė, Ugnė | UAB Service solution |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Užsakomoji veikla (angl. outsourcing) plačiai paplitęs reiškinys. Ji įgyja vis reikšmingesnį vaidmenį dinamiškų įmonių tarpe. Visame pasaulyje stebimas paslaugų įmonių skaičiaus ir veiklos apimčių augimas, todėl šiame straipsnyje išryškinama užsakomosios veiklos raiška paslaugų įmonėse, jos vieta ir vertinimas kitų ekonominių kategorijų atžvilgiu. Pateikiama užsakomosios veiklos Europoje statistikos duomenų analizė ir užsakomosios veiklos modelių charakteristikos bei palyginimas.
Outsourcing is widespread phenomenon. It takes more and more important place between dynamic companies. All over the world is seen growth of service companies. However, outsourcing in service companies is investigated very fragmentary. The aim of this article to reveal the place of outsourcing activity in other economic categories, highlighting its features and evaluating opportunities in service companies. Article consist of four parts. First part of article discuss outsourcing place between other economic activities and evaluating difficulties. International organizations noticed this problem and NACE was updated there was added annex for outsourcing. Also there is seen problem of outsourcing evaluation, because there is no common indicator for that. In the second part is analyzed service outsourcing. Because services has their own specification, here were highlighted groups of services which can be outsourcing object. Moreover, there were presented characteristics which are typical for service outsourcing. In the third part, is given outsourcing trends. European statistical data were analyzed, according which outsourcing trends were made. Finally, based on different models there was made comparison of several outsourcing models. There were distinguished similarities and differences in them.