Europos Sąjungos aplinkosaugos principo "teršėjas moka" įgyvendinimas Lietuvos Respublikos teisės sistemoje
Date Issued |
2006 |
Aplinkosaugos principas „teršėjas moka“ – vienas iš pagrindinių Europos Sąjungos aplinkosaugos principų, reiškiantis, kad visa atsakomybė už taršą arba naudojant gamtos išteklius padarytą žalą aplinkai tenka teršėjams arba naudotojams. Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas aplinkosaugos principas „teršėjas moka“, nagrinėjama, ar šis principas yra įgyvendinamas Lietuvos Respublikos teisės sistemoje, ar yra priimti teisės aktai, kuriais būtų įgyvendinama Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyva 2004/35/ET dėl atsakomybės už aplinkos apsaugą siekiant išvengti žalos aplinkai ir ją ištaisyti (atlyginti), kokiose strategijose įtvirtintas principas „teršėjas moka“, kokiais teisės aktais jis yra įgyvendinamas. Apžvelgus valstybės strategijas bei išnagrinėjus priimtus bei rengiamus priimti teisės aktus prieinama prie straipsnio pabaigoje suformuluotu išvadų.
Environment protection principle „polluter pays“ is one of the major principles of European Union environment protection meaning that all the responsibility material as well for pollution or damage done to environment when using the natural resources falls to polluters or users, i.e. the very polluters (users) must cover all social and economic losses due to pollution or resources use. The article analyzes if environment protection principle „polluter pays“ is implemented in the Republic of Lithuania law system, if law acts by which European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/35/ET regarding responsibility for nature protection aiming to avoid damage to environment and correct it (compensate) have been passed. The article reveals that European Union environment protection principle „polluter pays“ has been consolidated in State Environment Protection Strategy in which the definition of principle „polluter pays“ is presented, it is also consolidated in State Long–term Development Strategy in which (in the sphere of environment protection) the implementation of economic measures to which the principle „polluter pays“ is attributed is foreseen. The principle occupies an important place in National Harmonious Development Strategy in which the state vision is projected and in one of the elements of which it is indicated that gradually the tax policy must be reorganized – gradually the state must proceed from taxes for benefit to taxes for damage employing the principle of responsibility („polluter pays”) as widely as possible. In the strategy of Cohesion Foundation for 2004–2006 the principle „polluter pays“ is one of the criteria in selecting priority investment projects in the sphere of environment protection.