Konstitucija monocentrinėje teisės sistemoje
Lietuvo Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas |
Date Issued |
2008 |
In practice, evidence of the legal power of the Constitution (aspect de jure) appears as a problematic problem of law, sociology of law. The extents of expressis verbis expression of the Constitution do not change the meaning of the Constitution itself for ensuring the hierarchal functionality of the legal system, therefore, any expression of expressis verbis form of the Constitution is sufficient that on its ground any question of legitimacy arising in the system of this law would be decided and resolved. While ensuring the functionality of the legal system, the expressis verbis "limitation problem" of the Constitution is decided by interpreting the Constitution as a systematic document. The interpretation of the official constitutional doctrine becomes the only Standard of perception of the Constitution which may be applied not only dejure but already also defacto while deciding the questions of legitimacy of legal acts.