Programme work with persons enlisted in correctional inspection (probation services) lists
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Dauguma socialinės integracijos ir reabilitacijos programų yra šviečiamojo pobūdžio, programos vedamos paskaitų, diskusijų formomis, todėl nuteistieji nemotyvuoti jose dalyvauti, taip pat atskirų programų tematika dubliuojasi, todėl nuteistieji nepakankamai motyvuojami siekti savo gyvenimo tikslų teisėtais būdais ir priemonėmis. Pažymima ir tai, kad šios programos taikomos vienodai visiems nuteistiesiems, nors nuteistųjų socialiniai poreikiai paprastai skiriasi. Straipsnyje pateikiamos gairės dėl socialinės reabilitacijos ir socialinės integracijos programų turinio ir įgyvendinimo tobulinimo bei bendruomenės įtraukimo į šį procesą svarbos.
This article explores programme work with persons enlisted in correctional inspection (Probation services) lists. The article assesses the impact of social work by the correctional inspections (probation services) for offenders, the effectiveness of the implementation of social rehabilitation and social integration programmes, social rehabilitation and social integration programme content. The article shows that the lack of social integration and rehabilitation programme quality leads to inefficiency of social work with offenders, since these programmes are educational in nature, offenders aren’t motivated to change their antisocial behaviour, in order to achieve their life goals in lawful ways and means as well as the fact that these programmes are the same for all offenders, although the social needs of offenders are usually different. Advanced foreign experience in social work with offenders is separately disclosed, as well as international instruments related to the provision of alternatives to detention in programme work with offenders. The article also discusses the correction inspections (probation services) carrying out the programme work principles, their importance and the effectiveness of the implementation of alternatives to imprisonment. This article provides guidelines for rehabilitation and social integration of programme content, development of implementation, and the importance of community involvement in this process