Kriminalistikos didaktika Lietuvoje: lūkesčiai ir galimybės
Lietuvos teismo ekspertizės centras |
Date Issued |
2013 |
programą ir nurodyti žingsnius jai įgyvendinti. Parengtose rekomendacijose, šalia kitų siūlymų, yra: numatyti (parengti) kriminalistikos mokslo ir mokymo programų strategiją, prižiūrėti studijų standartus ir kriminalistikos programų akreditaciją koledžuose ir universitetuose.
Currently the necessary basic legal knowledge for adaptation to a matter of choice, allowing modeling career needs is actualized. This paper analyzes how this problem is solved now, what universities in Lithuania are leaders in the field of legal studies (Vilnius University and Mykolas Romeris University) offer for student or for officer, coordinated the study and practice. Author comes to the conclusion that in both universities the teaching forensic volume and usually only the optional form of study should be significant improve at all levels. It is a good example of what it should be start is 2008 U.S. Congress statement for Council of National Academy of Sciences to create a systematic development program of forensic and the steps of its realization. Composed recommendations among other proposals are: to provide forensic education and training programs, strategies, to maintain standards of education and forensic programs in accredited colleges and universities.