Means to overcome challenges for primary school teachers in ensuring inclusive education for children with autism spectrum disorder
Date Issued |
2020 |
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) sets a priority for inclusive education for persons with special educational needs and ensuring of necessary support in the general education system when studying together with peers. The Republic of Lithuania signed the Convention in 2007 and ratified it in 2010. The studies (Ališauskas, Ališauskienė, Gerulaitis, Kaffemanienė, Melienė, Miltenienė, 2011) indicate that the greatest challenges for inclusive education in many countries, including Lithuania, are related to education of children with autism spectrum disorders (hereinafter ASD). The aim of the study is to reveal the means to support primary school teachers in addressing challenges of inclusive education for children with ASD. The problematic question of the study: What types of means should be applied to overcome the challenges to support teachers in ensuring inclusive education for children with ASD? Qualitative research type was chosen for the study. The method of a semi-structured written reflection was used in the study. The study data were processed by using the method of content analysis. Qualitative content analysis was carried out in accordance with inductive, study data based and categories composed logic. 16 primary school teachers participated in the study. The study revealed that the approaches to assist primary school teachers in addressing challenges of inclusive education for children with ASD included: improving teachers’ training programmes in high schools and teachers’ continuous training, adjusting physical environment at schools and in classrooms, creating ASD friendly and supportive educational environment, child-oriented approach, readiness of the school community to accept a child with a disability, collaboration between teachers, education support professionals and families, support for the entire family, collaboration with other institutions to improve the level of qualification of educators and education support professionals, providing assistance to children with ASD and their families, sharing best practices in adjusting the environment, consulting and emergency support.